
CAS 36355-01-8
Synonyms Hexabromobiphenyl;Biphenyl, hexabromo-; 1,1-Biphenyl, hexabromo-; HBB; Hexabromo-1,1-biphenyl; Hexabromodiphenyl PBB; Polybromilated biphenyl
Molecular Formula Br3C6H2C6H2Br3
Application Flame Retardant
Notes Hexabromobiphenyl uses and applications include: Flame retardant in ABS plastics used in coatings, lacquers, PU foams, industrial equipmemt, typewriters, calculators, microfilm readers, electronic manufacturing, radioTV parts, thermostats, electronic razors, hand tool housings, projector housings, automotive parts
Suggested storage of Hexabromobiphenyl: Store refrigerated; protect from light

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