Bis(2,4-dibromophenyl)iodonium Sulfate

Structure Bis(2,4-dibromophenyl)iodonium Sulfate
Molecular Weight 596.70 + 1/2(96.06)
Molecular Formula C₁₂H₆Br₄I⁺ • 1/2(SO ₄⁻)
Application Bis(2,4-dibromophenyl)iodonium Sulfate is an intermediate used in the synthesis of BDE 28 (B119210), which is a polybrominated di-phenyl ether (PBDE) that is used as flame retardant in plastics and textile materials. It can be found in the adipose tissue and the plasma in humans and animals.
Packaging 5mg/ 10mg/ 25mg/ 50mg/ Exact Weight Packaging/
References Meerts, I. A. T. M., et al.: Environ. Health Perspect., 109, 399 (2001)

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