Low Smoke Intumescent Ammonium Polyphosphate Phase I

CAS 68333-79-9
Molecular Formula (NH4)n+2PnO3n+1
Solubility <1.5 %(10% aq., at 25ºC)
Appearance white powder
Application 1 . Intumescent fire retardant paint for steel in the most situation;
2 . Used in woods, plywood, fiberboard, and paper;
3 . Some special situation needed low-temperature reaction.
Content P2O5 content ≥67.5%;
N content ≥13%
Moisture Content <0.3%
Notes solvent base intumescent coatings
Packaging 25kg/bag, 24mt/20'fcl without pallets, 20mt/20'fcl with pallets
Particle Size 15~25µm
pH pH value ( 10% aq., at 25ºC): 6.0-8.0
Viscosity ≤50(10% aq., at 25°C)

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